Bristol Rocks

Sling Swing

To find the most up to date information please visit their website as this may change.

Sling Swing is an exciting gentle movement and dance class for parents or carers with their babies and toddlers in soft structured slings and baby carriers or wraps.

All classes will include a range of fantastic musical styles include pop, hip hop, Charleston, Cha Cha, Salsa, Meringue, Bachata, Reggaeton, Swing, Disco, Musical theatre, Ballroom and more.

Participants are encouraged to wear their little ones in a high quality sling or carrier. Spare slings and carriers will always be available for anyone wanting to try the class. 

All Sling Swing teachers have completed thorough training with Sling Swing before they  become a teacher and are either qualified Babywearing consultants or have completed a Babywearing  Peer Support course.

Classes will run on Mondays at Cotham Parish Church, to find out more visit their website.

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